Casualty of Alleged Ponzi Scheme Receives Death Threats From OneCoin Fans

Casualty of Alleged Ponzi Scheme Receives Death Threats From OneCoin Fans 

Glasgow-based Jen McAdam claims supporters of the supposed OneCoin fraudulent business model are sending her passing dangers, for the most part through Facebook. 

Demise dangers answered to the police 

On Oct. 14, the BBC composed that Jen McAdam, a tricked OneCoin advanced money financial specialist, revealed a large number of messages she got, compromising her with death and viciousness, to the police in Scotland. McAdam claims that the dangers are a piece of a planned assault by OneCoin supporters, including: 

"It is appalling, the maltreatment is abhorrent and the dangers feel genuine to me, I'm continually investigating my shoulder now. It is negatively affecting my wellbeing yet I won't surrender until me and the a huge number of other OneCoin unfortunate casualties like me see some type of equity." 

McAdam, who is a piece of the Cryptoqueen BBC Sounds web recording, which researches the supposed fraudulent business model, had contributed a large number of dollars of her own cash into the plan. Afterward, she convinced her loved ones to do likewise, who together put in about $277,000. She stated: 

"I know through the various exploited people's gatherings around the globe that it is individuals simply like me who are influenced. They contributed their life reserve funds, they remortgaged homes and they persuaded their loved ones to get included and they feel as terrible as I do about everything on the grounds that we were altogether hoodwinked." 

McAdams included that there are around 70,000 OneCoin unfortunate casualties in the U.K., "however it feels as though they are by and large abandoned, no one here appears to be keen on this." 
Originators of OneCoin fraudulent business model captured 

Cointelegraph announced in March 2019, that a United States District Attorney had charged the authors of the worldwide crypto Ponzi plot that included the advertising of the supposedly fake advanced money OneCoin. The kin and originators of OneCoin, Konstantin Ignatov and his sister Ruja Ignatova, were apparently captured on March 6, 2019, in Los Angeles. The kin were blamed for wire misrepresentation, protections extortion and illegal tax avoidance offenses.x

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